Meet our Board


Nova is managed by a Voluntary Board of Women, with members drawn from professional fields and various community organisations.

These women bring a vast range of qualifications, knowledge, expertise and professionalism and have great commitment and passion about the work that Nova does. Our board sets the strategic direction that enables our dedicated and committed team to achieve its vision and purpose. We are proud to introduce you to our current board.



Name: Rozyta Englert


Position on Board: Chairperson


Current Professional Role: Change Manager, City of Newcastle 


What are you passionate about? I believe deeply in the right of every human being to be treated with respect and dignity, and to live a life free from fear, intimidation and violence. I am passionate about creating a community where we uphold these standards and ensure that vulnerable women and children feel safe and valued. 

Rozyta Englert

Name: Sue Hellier


Position on Board: Secretary


Current Professional Role:  CEO - Newcastle Family Support


What are you passionate about?  I am passionate about the safety and wellbeing of children, that they can have every opportunity to grow and develop and achieve a life with which they are satisfied. Similarly, the safety and wellbeing of women, that they understand and are freed from oppression, in all it’s forms. I’m passionate about supporting the staff of Nova who work towards these aims on a daily basis.

Sue Hellier

Name: Brodie O'Sullivan


Position on Board: Treasurer


Current Professional Role: Senior Associate, PricewaterhouseCoopers



What are you passionate about?  I believe in empowering women, and their fundamental right to feeling safe. I am passionate about being part of the change by ensuring the creation of a safe community for women and children, in this generation and the many more to come. 

Brodie O'Sullivan

Name: Marette Gale


Position on Board: Vice Chairperson


Current Professional Role:  Manager - Family Action Centre, University of Newcastle 


What are you passionate about? I am passionate about the development of a robust, bold and inclusive service system which supports the well-being of all children, families and communities.  This would be a service system designed to lead, resource and champion local place-based initiatives, with outcomes designed to break the cycles of violence, racism, ill health, and poverty. 

Name: Katy Mooney


Position on Board: Public Officer


Current Professional Role: Senior In-House Counsel, Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle


What are you passionate about? While it seems like a simplification I consider that my passion and drive for working in this sector are best summed up by Dr Seuss in the Lorax…“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”

Katy Mooney

Name: Samantha Smith


Position on Board: Board Member


Current Professional Role:  Senior Project Officer - Youth Justice NSW


What are you passionate about?  My passion is driven by the opportunities in both my professional and personal (community) life to create meaningful and continuous positive change for children, their families and communities. I believe change should be driven by a person’s own self-identified and self-actualised needs with support that is embedded to help people overcome the barriers and challenges they encounter that is empowering and reinforces their own strengths.  I'm also passionate about community development and creating a society that embeds safety and respect for all and creates equity and opportunity that is representative of both individual and collective needs and drives improvement for everybody.  

Samantha Smith

Name: Natalie Oliver


Position on Board: Board Member


Current Professional Role: Special Counsel, Moray & Agnew Lawyers


What are you passionate about?  Ensuring that the women and children of our community are safe and that their lives are not limited by violence or fear. We live in a beautiful community, but we can continue to do better to make it a place where our vulnerable can live their life with choice and dignity.  


Natalie Oliver

Name: Kellen Evans


Position on Board: Board Member


Current Professional Role: General Manager, NewPsych Psychologists


What are you passionate about?  Having spent more than two decades working with people from diverse multicultural backgrounds, I am passionate about initiatives that change peoples’ lives through education and enabling women and children through the development and building of new skills, access to connected and supportive networks and increasing an awareness in the greater community.

 Kellen Evans